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Japan Candy Box REVIEW : JUNE 2015 ☆ミ(o*・ω・)ノ

Oie amadas! 

Tudo bem com vocês?  Espero que sim. 

Post de hoje é delicioso heheh, pela primeira vez tenho a honra de fazer um review de mais um novo projeto da Blippo Kawaii Shop, a Japan Candy Box! 

Hi sweeties!

How are you all? Hope you doing good.

Today's post is delicious heheh, the first time I have the honor to make a review of another new project from Blippo Kawaii Shop, the Japan Candy Box!

Japan Candy Box é uma caixa cheia de doces japoneses, e assim como a Kawaii Box você precisa se inscrever em um dos planos. 

Japan Candy Box is a box full of Japanese sweets, and as Kawaii Box you need to sign up for one of the plans.

Todos os planos oferecem frete gratuito e cada plano tem um jeito de se adequar ao que você precisa. 

A Japanese Candy Box que vou fazer review é a de JUNHO. 

All plans offer free shipping and each plan has a way to suit your need.

The Japanese Candy Box I will do is review of June.

Abaixo então o video review, espero que gostem! 

** Having no caption in the video will do the review written in English.

Tirei algumas fotos dos produtos, e também vou botar a lista dos doces dentro da caixa. 

I took some pictures of the products and will also put the list of sweets inside the box.

Pokemon sticks is great, I liked the cookie flavor also has the milk taste, goes very well with a cup of coffee or tea.

The Koala cookie is delicious, I received the chocolate flavor, and tastes like dark chocolate biscuits format are the koala and has design printed on them, very cute!

The Meiji soda gum is great and the taste is true, but for taste and also for the gum to stay chewy longer in the mouth, have to put as many are small.

The candy gummy fish is very tasty, has a good flavor and sour, inside the bag has the flavors lemon and apple, the only thing that does not suit the taste is the shape of the candy, they are very ugly!

The coffee beat with chocolate was what I liked most, the taste is great and really feel strong coffee, pity that the box is so small I was left with the desire to want more!

Puccho candy is delicious, and the sour apple flavor is predominant Puccho candy was the one I most liked.

Coke sweet is very sour and flavor is true to coca cola also quite liked, and one thing I noticed in Japanese sweets is that they come in small quantities, I wish they came in larger boxes right?

Coca Cola bubblegum I love it, I also love the other tastes of this bubblegum they have in orange, melon, strawberry and grapes. 

The last sweet box, is these kits to do it yourself! Sorry the candy I did look so ugly hahah, but the taste is great I loooove it! In addition to delicious they are fun to make.

 ( _) Candy List :

  • Kabaya Fish / Frog Gummies
  • Popin’ Cookin’ Neri Candy Land DIY Kit
  • Pokemon Pikachu Pretzels
  • Meiji Petit Bubblegum
  • Puccho Mixed Fruit Chewy Candy
  • Marukawa Fusen Bubble Gum
  • Yaokin Sour Paper Candy
  • Dorayaki Japanese Hotcake
  • Meiji Kotsubu Chocolates
  • Lotte Koala March Biscuits
Espero que tenham gostado do review e não deixem de assinar a Japan Candy Box, vocês não vão se arrepender ;) 

Obrigada pelos comentários e por visitar o blog, vejo vocês no próximo post!

I hope you enjoyed the review and do not forget to sign the Japan Candy Box, you will not regret it ;)

Thank you for the comments and for visiting the blog, see you in the next post!


  1. Respostas
    1. Hi dear!
      Ohhhh they are so good, I love japanese candy *0*
      Thank you for your visit!

  2. Woaaa já quero tudo *O*


    1. Oie amada!
      Heheheh são ótimos, vale a pena provar hein!!
      Obrigada pela visita <3

  3. Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa eu preciso desse de coelhinho T^T
    Amei o post <3

    1. Oie amada!
      Ahhh é o doce DIY né? Ele é bem divertido e o gosto é super bom *0* heheh
      Obrigada pela visita <33

  4. Porque o dólar está tão alto, pq??? DDDDDD: Essa box é a primeira que eu quis ter, as outras que vejo eu prefiro escolher a dedo (make, papelaria, etc).

    Sussurro do Ar

    1. Oie amada!
      Ah simmm ;~; triste né, mas ó eu to fazendo o sorteio *-* participa tlz tu tenha sorte né! E eu amei a caixa de doces, prefiro mais que as outras x)
      Obrigada pela visita!

  5. Awww you managed to make such cute stuff with the Neri Land kit lmao I failed so badly. It was fun anyway though ;)

    1. Hi sweetie!
      OMG really? XD I thought I was a mess!! hahah but thank you *-* you're very lovely!
      Thanks for your visit <3

  6. Respostas
    1. Oie amada!
      Eles são ótimos *0* adorei poder testar os doces hehehe
      Obrigada pela visita!


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